Presentation Design Methodology: Understanding Complex Concepts

How do you know when you understand something?
I've been exploring the topic of understanding for some time now —particularly, the understanding of complex concepts. What influences understanding, what facilitates it? What occurs in our brain at the exact moment of understanding?
And it's not just about those a-ha moments, but also about everyday understanding. You speak, and I understand what you're saying.
On the surface, it seems we can put understanding into one of two groups:
1) You essentially generate new knowledge within your brain (new to you, at least), based on the incoming signals/data.
2) You internalize someone else’s knowledge, also based on the incoming signals/data.
The latter seems closer to "belief" rather than understanding, but from a subjective standpoint, these two (generation vs. internalization) can feel quite similar, right?

Creating PowerPoints for Complex Topics
When you’re about to give a presentation on a sophisticated idea, it’s crucial to understand how you can facilitate the understanding of this presentation by investors.
Here are a few books (classics and modern classics), that help a lot to educate yourself around that topic.
To further explore this topic and enhance your presentation skills, consider reading related blog posts on PrzntPerfect:
- Navigating B2B Startup Challenges:
When and Who to Hire for Your PowerPoint Presentations discusses the critical timing and selection process for delegating presentation design tasks in specialized sectors like biotech and fintech.
- Biotech Market Trends 2024:
Tailoring Your Pitch Deck to Current Industry Dynamics offers insights into the evolving biotech industry and how to align your pitch deck with the latest trends to attract investment. - Mastering the Biotech Pitch Deck:
Insights from NextGen Bio's Top Startups of 2023 provides a closer look at the strategies of leading biotech startups, emphasizing the importance of understanding pitch deck strategies for emerging entrepreneurs.
#presentationdesign #understanding #pitchdecks

- This is some text inside of a div block.lay out the facts clearly and compellingly. Use data to establish the ground reality, but remember that facts alone are like the individual strands of a tapestry—necessary but not complete.lay out the facts clearly and compellingly. Use data to establish the ground reality, but remember that facts alone are like the individual strands of a tapestry—necessary but not complete.
- This is some text inside of a div block.lay out the facts clearly and compellingly. Use data to establish the ground reality, but remember that facts alone are like the individual strands of a tapestry—necessary but not complete.